Monday, May 16, 2011

The Name Game: little girl quilts

I'm so excited to start the new series here at Live at Colorful Life called The Name Game, where the story behind interesting blog names will be revealed.

Julia, of little girl quilts, redesigned my blog a while back and did such a wonderful job. You need to know that Julia lives in Berlin. I know! Berlin! And we did the whole thing back and forth through email. It just seemed so cosmopolitan and sophisticated to me to have the graphics designer living in another country. You may be wondering how we got connected in the first place. It was because she did an amazing redesign for Lynne of Lily's Quilts, so I emailed Lynne, who lives in the UK.

So let's get to know  Julia a little better.

How did you choose the name for your blog, little girl quilts?

When I set up my blog, I was at a loss for a clever, sassy, or at least not ridiculous, title. I wanted it to be recognizable and easy to remember--and this for both a German-and English-speaking audience. I thought hard, but nope--what came to my mind was already taken.

Patchwork and quilting has fascinated me since my early teens (although I was too intimidated to try it myself until about three years ago)--I loved watching American movies where you could spy snuggly quilts. So "little girl quilts" it was. Quilts for my inner little girl...or for future little girls (who knows? I'm going to be an aunt soon for the first time!).

Were there other names you considered?

Yes, there were many other names which all had some sewing-related pun--but they were already taken.

Now that your identity is little girl quilts, are you happy with it or do you wish you could change it?

Am I happy with my chosen name? Not really. I know that there were other bloggers who thought I'd refer to myself as a little girl (who quilts) --um, nope, I'm a grown woman (or at least I pretend to be heehee).

Would I change it? Yes! Definitely. If only I had a clever idea for a sassy name :)

Julia, thank you so much for being the first in what I hope will be a long-running series.

I hope all of you will check out Julia's blog. Besides being a talented graphics artist, she is an amazing quilter.

So for the first episode of The Name Game, I think there should be some reward, don't you? First, go check out little girl quilts and be sure to say hi to Julia, and then come back here and leave a comment to win this Name Game pincushion. The winner will be chosen on Wednesday, 5/18/11, at 6 pm PDT.
Is there a fascinating blog name that has you wondering "Hmmm. Why did he or she choose that name?" Let me know and I'll get in contact with the blogger to see if they will play along.

Up next will be Amanda Jean of crazy mom quilts. Is she really crazy? You'll find out next week!