Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Name Game: Molly Flanders

 Welcome to the latest edition The Name Game. This week, Mary from the fabulous blog, Molly Flanders, is our featured guest. If you are not a regular reader of Mary's blog, I highly recommend becoming one. She loves bright colors, does beautiful hand quilting with perle cotton, and does not shy away from those really tricky blocks.

1. How did you choose the name, Molly Flanders?

I chose the name Molly Flanders for a couple of reasons. Molly is the name of my oldest daughter (I have three daughters)...and she is quite an artistic girl. She is an amazing mandolin player (plays every Saturday morning at the local Bluegrass Shoppe) and she loves embroidery. If I have embroidery work to be done, I will call on her assistance. And she contributes regularly to the blog.
Flanders is the name of my sweet dog. We adopted her from our local Humane Society when she was a puppy and we love her to pieces.
The other reason...the Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders...Moll was a woman of questionable character! I thought it was kind of cheeky and maybe cute (?)...not that anyone associated with the blog is of questionable character...or at all cheeky! Ha!

2. Were there other names you considered, and can you share any of them with us?

As you can probably tell, I don't think I gave a whole lot of thought. I did consider something with "quiltery" in it, but decided against it because I wanted to include other sewing projects.

3. Now that you are recognized by Molly Flanders, are you happy with it, or do you wish you could change it to something else?

I am happy with it! The only issues with the name are minor...I don't have my name (Mary) in the title and sometimes I get "Dear Molly" emails...not a big deal. Then I worry if something happens to my sweet pup will it make me so horribly sad...but let's not think about that! And lastly, when I look at the traffic sources for my blog, often I get some colorful searches...having to do with the Moll Flanders reference...I am sure!
Thanks so much, Mary! I'm a huge fan of your work (especially all those delicious polka dot fabrics!).

I'm excited about next week's edition. Carla from Lollyquiltz will be here. Recently we have discovered that although she lives near Kansas City and I'm here in central California, there is no doubt that we were sisters separated at birth--so many similarities. 

So stop by and say hi to Mary here, and don't forget to tune in next week to read about how Carla chose her blog name. Happy sewing!