Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Maxine Fabric is coming to my house!

Thanks to this site/blog/shop:

I'm "Lucky Number 13" and WON!!!!
original giveaway post is here

"Maxine" the funny comic is on fabric and coming to my house!

See the post here at "We Love Quilting" of my win! YEAH!

I KEEP telling you... you cannot win if you do not ENTER!

But then to those of you who HAVE entered and NEVER won, DO NOT give up!!!! Pssst I enter a lot of giveaways mainly for fabirc :) There are a number of sites that giveaway "things" daily, weekly, or monthly. Depends on your time and will/effort to try to win! :)

I am SEW excited and Grateful to Chris and Gary Wheeler for this FUN WIN!!!

We Love Quilting is owned by Chris Epps Wheeler & Gary Wheeler, their studio located in Locust Fork, Alabama. They are also online at http://www.chriswheelerquilts.com/


Disclaimer: I don't believe in 'luck' - used to be very superstitious... it was REALLY bad, but then I met Jesus and believe much more in being blessed and gifted unconditionally through God because HE loves us. So was this win from God? I don't know, just know I am excited to get this Maxine Fabric!!! YEAH!!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Music and Rhythm Challenge at Alter it Monthly

This is my entry for the Alter it Monthly Challenge:
Well, I am new but I decided that I am going to start entering some challenges. I think it helps with my creativity. This challenge is music. The subject I altered is a diet coke box. I took got this image of the lady from the graphics fairy, the sheet music is actually from an old sheet music book adhered to a piece of a diet coke box, a ticket from a friend.
Have a great day,

The Play Date Cafe...

I am linking this to a colour horribilis challenge. The challenge is to use navy blue, hot pink and mustard yellow together. This is an invite, clown on the front and the info for the party on the back.
Its beginning to feel a little like fall here today but I think only for the day. Oh, what a nice feeling. I really like walking outside today and enjoying the weather. I would like to share:
Psalm 36:5-11 (New International Version)
5 Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the skies

Happy Almost Autumn.
Living in God's Graces,

I think size does matter!

There is a certain amount of envy and awe in my bones when I read Red Pepper Quilt's blog. Everything seems to match, fit exactly and is stitched evenly.
On the weekend I attempted to machine quilt a cot quilt. Usually I make big quilts and they always cause me grief with pinched stitches where the lines meet.
Here is what I discovered on the weekend.
If you pull down on the quilt as you stitch it, the fabric stretches enough to stop the folding over at crossroads. I have always tried to spread the fabric horizontally. Now I hang on to the the part that has just gone under the needle at the back, and the bit that is feeding in through the front. The quilt is stretched vertically (in the same direction as the stitching).
Next I decided not to quilt in the ditch as according to the guru at Red Pepper - it's harder.
Lastly, I think the fact that the quilt was only little also made a huge difference. I didn't have to carry all the weight of the fabric, roll it up to fit through the machine or concentrate for so long.
So small it better when we are talking about quilting!
I stitched everything in one direction first

And then I went the other way.
It's still not perfect but no pinched fabric makes me so happy.

I am on holiday from school at the moment so I spent 5 hours whipping up another quilt with my friend Rivka. We made 25 X 9" blocks out of some of her scrap fabrics. Her friend is paying me to make the quilt and Rivka is supplying the fabric. Silly me, gave her back the blocks without taking photos but they will have to come back for the sashings etc. I just have to wait for them to choose colours.
I did get to read, go out for coffee and have a walk in the sunshine too.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Comfort Stitching By Aneela Hoey Giveaway!


Disclaimer: yes by posting this i get another entry! Why NOT! You would if you like scraps and have a projects for scrap quilts; aticker tape quilt and a crumb quilt! :)

More SAQA Auction Quilts

Last week I shared three quilts that will be auctioned off this fall to benefit SAQA. See post here. I thought I'd share three more quilts with you this week. These are three more that I find very attractive.

Breaking Out
Found on Page 1B

The Gift
Made by Carol Tamasiunas
Found on Page 2A

Made by Elaine Quehl
Found on Page 3B

Have a restful Sunday :)

I was lucky enough to be drawn as a winner of one of Lynn Stevens Trash to Treasure Art pieces. It is this Radiant pendant. The image is encased in epoxy resin and has a lovely cross hanging from the bottom. Hangs from a ball chain. Look at that cute little lace and muslin bag it came in..cute cute cute....even her little tag is so very cute too. I cant forget the little stamp, its my first Christmas Stamp :) You must go take a look at all of her wonderful creations. You can learn alot and get to chat with a super sweet lady.Thanks so much Lynn.
I would also like to thank Anna from Frosted Petunias (isnt that name adorable) I also won (I know how lucky 2x last week I received wonderful surprises from wonderful bloggers) This was a Romantic Home Magazine. It was the first time I have read it and I received it at a great time because I am redecorating in a shabby chic romantic style. I received this from Anna at Frosted Petunias> You must take a look at her blog and creations. The magazine came with a lovely card which is her artwork. Isnt it wonderful. The card is so very precious. I am going to hang it in my craftroom(my favorite place in the house)
Living in God's Graces,

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Older Rose's Fantastic Big Giveaway!


Gerry K. is a lady of many talents, one of which is painting the most amazing buttons!  These beautiful buttons will be one of the prizes in her celebration of reaching 700 posts.   Visit her blog "Older Rose" , scroll down the right side of her blog until you reach Blog Archive, and click on "The Big Giveaway...official prizes and rules" to find out how to enter.

Quilts & Fabric

I've got the Indian Orange Peel quilt done...YAY! Here it is pinned to my design wall. I am in the process of blocking it and it will be up on the wall for a few days. I have the hanging sleeve on it already and then all that's left is to stitch a label on the back.

I had three quilts sitting around needing hanging sleeves, the one above was one and then this one....Three Catmigos. I got a sleeve and label on the back and now it can hang in my dining room. Doesn't it look grand?

I had a quilt hanging in my dining room in this location before, but it was the first wall quilt I had ever made, which was around the mid 90s and you know how those first quilts look....pretty wonky and wavy. It really was time to retire it.

Lately I've been doing a lot of overdyeing. What is overdyeing you ask? It is dyeing another layer of color on a piece of fabric that has already been dyed. I haven't done overdyeing before and I keep asking myself why I haven't. I am loving the results I'm getting, well most of the time. It can be difficult to know what will happen sometimes, depending on the color choices.

Here are a couple of my recent overdyed favorites.

The fabric I have dyed here was a white on white print. That is why you see the swirly, flowery design on it. Have a great weekend!

Here's BUSTER!!!

I have been really busy lately, as I have been keeping a sharp eye on this little guy. He's an 8 week old sheltie (shetland sheepdog) and boy is he a pistol!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Have a great weekend...

I am linking this to Gingersnap Creations Red and Black Challenge.
I was born in Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta is Home of the World of Coca Cola. The museum is a really neat place to visit.
Happy Saturday All.

OOP(s) I did it again

I think I did it again
I made you believe we're more than just friends
Oh baby
It might seem like a crush
But it doesn't mean that I'm serious
'Cause to lose all my senses
That is just so typically me
Oh baby, baby

I  never thought I would have anything in common with Britney Spears.

And we really do NOT have anything in common. She is talking about some silly crush and I'm talking about something really important. Out-Of-Print fabric.

If you're a quilter, you completely understand. Flea Market Fancy lover? Admit it. You've done ebay and etsy searches looking for some scraps you can afford. Why, just the other day I had a bid in for 10" squares of almost the entire line. I was willing to bid up to...well, the actual amount I was willing to bid is such a nonessential detail. Let's just say that I lost the bid in the very last minute so I will still have some extra pennies to spend rather than being in hock for the whole month of September.

Then my friend, Jennifer, started to destash. Mark is still pressing for a full-disclosure post on the amount of fabric I own and clearly I do not need ("need" being an entirely relative term...) more fabric. But Jennifer, hey, you are willing to get rid of Amy Butler's pink coriander? Seriously?? I have been needing that fabric!

Her post was only 55 seconds old so I was sure the fabric would soon be on its way to my house. I hit the "add to cart" button. Ack! It wouldn't load into my cart. Tried it again. Still wouldn't load. I started to panic. My hands got sweaty.

So I convoed her on etsy, left a comment on her blog post and sent off an email to her, all in the space of a minute.

I'm sure I didn't come across as desperate at all...

Then I waited. The next time I checked, I got that little message that says, "Uh oh, the item you are searching for has already been sold." Are you kidding?

Apparently Jennifer sensed my desperation willingness to help with her destash project, and had taken it out of her shop and put it on hold for me.

I'm pretty sure this won't be the last time I succumb to the thrill of the chase for out-of-print fabric. But if I show up in fabric court some day, having been picked up for recklessly speeding through web sites trying to locate out-of-print fabric, with blatant disregard for my Paypal account, I'm going to plead the fifth and just say, "Your Honor, OOP(s), I did it again."

Happy Friday to you!!!

I just unpacked the china. I found this lonely piece. I dont know what to do with it so any suggestions appreciated. I am trying to decorate with a pink roses romatanic shabby chic look so it doesnt really go with that. Can anyone tell me anything about this plate/serving tray? A friend gave it to me years ago.This is the stamp on the bottom:

I made this little tag with a few stamps I have and of course some Tim Holtz destressed inks.. I have the bird cut out a 2nd bird to make a 3D effect.

Thanks for dropping by. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend.
Living in God's Graces,

The verse for today:
Romans 15:13
New International Version (NIV)
13May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Color Therapy Thursday--Orange

I clearly have today mixed up with Orange Wednesday. Also keep in mind that while I love the color orange, I have absolutely no orange anywhere in my wardrobe.

But first I saw this:

And then I did this:

Maybe it was the orange glitter that had me too dazzled to think clearly...

Maybe I am Slightly Obsessive

I think I have this obsessive personality. If I get an idea and I receive even the slightest positive feedback I just go nuts and make lots of whatever it is. This week it was pot mitts. Admittedly I had already made a few but when I took those few to school it was suggested I make some more. It was full steam ahead and some have happily been sold to new homes. Boy I hope they really do work. They are filled with 2 layers of wadding and some insulated wadding. I am nearly over the mania as they are really annoying to stuff but I will have to make some more for the market I am doing in November. They are really great for getting rid of some of your scrap fabric.
Here they are. It was hard to part with a few - I do get attached. I have to get used to selling stuff because I need to justify (only to myself) the growing stack of quilts, toys and fabric in my house. Its everywhere.

I have been playing with Flickr and can't work out how to get a mosaic of photos onto my blog. I worked out how to make the mosaic but it was all blurred in the blog. I need to play some more but if anyone can help, please send me a message.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Paper Piecing

This is my first try at paper piecing. I took this image from Free Pretty Things for You
I created this card with paper piecing:
I used lace for her little dress, yarn for her hair, a 3d rose for her flower, added a little butterfly (part of a flower) dew drops thingies for her collar, distressed with tim holtz inks the background and debossed it and decided she would make a perfect birthday card for a little girl. I am actually entering my first challenge with Simon Says Challenge. Wish me luck.
Living in God's Graces,

Feathery Goodness

I have completed all the quilting on the Indian Orange Peel quilt. Yay!

Here is how I quilted the borders. The inner border was stitched with a free-form continuous swirly thingy, and the outer border is a loose feather shape.

I had not quilted feathers before, that I can remember anyway! I wanted to give them a try as I've seen so many fabulous feather quilting done by other quilters. My first attempt was not good. I started on one side of the quilt and marked some spine lines and tried a feather shape that was a bit more "formal". Well I didn't like how it was turning out at all. So I ripped out the stitches. I then Googled "feather quilting" and looked at images of feather quilting. I found a "look" that seemed more loose, fun and me. So I tried it out on a scrap quilt sandwich and was quite pleased at how easy it seemed to be.

I got brave and started on the quilt border and wow! I am very happy with the results. I am now binding the quilt and am about half way around.


Today has been a busy day. Austin is on day 8 of virtual public homeschool-K12. There hasn't been much time for crafts however today I made time to make this card for a friend who hasn't been feeling well. She is sweet like an angel (might be why I wanted to use that image. However, don't be so busy that you forget to take time to read the bible and have your time with God. I have been doing my study while my son,Austin, does his reading for his Language Arts Class.
Take the time to for God, refresh yourself in the Word and make time for others.
I am reminded of this verse and want to share with you
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (New King James Version)
The Value of a Friend
9 Two are better than one,
Because they have a good reward for their labor.
10 For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls,
For he has no one to help him up.

Living in God's Graces,

Orange Wednesday--Fairytale Pumpkin edition

In my previous post I laid out my week in color.Thanks for all the very interesting comments, by the way. Believe it or not, a quilt design based on those colors is kind of percolating. I'm not sure what will come of it. My Color Rock Star coach, Brandi, started the whole idea. So we'll see what happens. (Is there anyone else out there who wants to take that class just because of the name? Side note to Brandi: I think you should make a button for people who take the class that says, I'm a Color Rock Star!)

Anyhoo, according to the colors in my head, today is orange. Now here is an interesting dilemma. I love orange. Not such a big fan of Wednesday. It probably has something to do with the fact that this is the day where I have the greatest volume of medical transcription and it seems like I am sitting at this computer for an interminable amount of time. I realize, of course, that my day would be considerably shorter if I didn't have such a short attention span and feel the need to cruise through blogs rather than typing about torn ligaments in the knee and torn rotator cuffs in the shoulder.

But I digress.

Today is an orange day.

Interestingly enough, that ties into a really great giveaway from Fairytale Pumpkin.

I'm a big fan of finding quilting inspiration from various places. Like color inspiration from magazines.

Turns out, I'm not alone. Christa found her latest design inspiration from Sunset magazine:

And then she went on to design a great journaling template, usable for so many different things. Pictures of your kids' first day at school, some quilting designs you want to document, a trip you took this summer.

And here's the great thing about this orangey goodness. As if it wasn't enough that her logo is so creative (and orange!) and that fact that she figured out to make her own button (which totally impressed me), Fairytale Pumpkin is having a giveaway! I know! I couldn't believe it either!

So now you too can have an Orange Wednesday!

I highly recommend it. If you, like me, aren't a particularly huge fan of Wednesday, at least not until your work is done, then the best thing you can do is add some color to your day and head on over to Fairytale Pumpkin.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pets on Quilts Show: I won a beautiful pattern!

My Window Cats quilt was one of them! YEAH!

This is a list of the Prizes, and if I am reading the results right, I won prize #1!
which is Java House Quilts donated a cute pattern, "Shell we Dance?"

Thank you SewCalGal for hosting and running the show!!!!

My Sister just sent me a photo of Duke & Daisy on their Quilt!!! Aren't they so cute!

*Hugs* - Jackie