Monday, August 2, 2010

With a Little Help

When I finished the Castle Peeps quilt I needed to find a binding. I really wanted to use fabric from my stash rather than look for something new. No matter what I tried the binding just didn't quite work. I know that I buy lots of my fabric from overseas because it is so much cheaper but you just can't predict what the fabric will be like until it arrives. I took my near finished quilt to Amitie , my local patchwork store and showed Judy, who works there, my quilt. ( See Judy's blog  A Very Fine House ) Within seconds Judy had selected the shot cotton fabric that was perfect for the job. So although I am guilty of saving dollars when I buy some of my fabric, I still really rely on the advice and expertise of the people that work in local patchwork stores and I do spend money in those stores too.
So this blog is to say thanks Judy for your help and I'm looking forward to Amitie's sale this Friday!