Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lunch and a Bobcat!

I was enjoying a late lunch today with my friends Laurie and Brenda, when Brenda said, "Barb, be very quiet and look at what is coming out of your woods."  I looked around the table out window and there he was, a very good size bobcat.  He walked ever so slowly around my house to the front yard and crossed over the driveway, then we lost site of him.  He was walking very strangely, almost as if he had been hit or clipped by a car.  We did call the police animal control, because the bobcat was injured, and the officer was shocked at his size in the picture.  He even wanted his supervisor to see it!  It never amazes me the wildlife I have around here:  black bear, bobcat, deer, fox, at times coyote and turkeys.  We have even had a flock of turkey vultures on our house.....that creeped me out!  (You can double-click on any of the pictures to enlarge them)

Anyway, he is pretty good size!  I have been weeding in my garden, I am going to have to keep an eye out a little better than I do...
Now that I had the black bear I had to make a quilt, will I have to do a bobcat now?
I just have to show the pictures of the turkey vultures...we never could figure out why they came; nothing was dead in the area that we knew about.....anyway:

Don't you just think they are the creepiest bird to look at--and we came home to them on our roof and in our trees; there were five of them!
Well, I really need to get some sewing done, have had too many other things going on today!  Until later or tomorrow, happy quilting!