Sunday, August 8, 2010

Quilt Ladies Night Out

The Quilting Ladies got together for our monthly (we really try hard to all meet every month) night of quilting, laughing and pizza!  We have a new person join us--she is not new to quilting, just our friendly quilt gathering;  it was great as usual!  Here are some pictures from that night:

Barb, our newest groupie, who is making 140 different blocks for ..... I am going to have to get the name of the quilt she is making again, but they are gorgeous and her work is impeccible:
Cathy, I know that she is serging aprons for her daughters and mother-in-law.  They are adorable and she embellished and embroidered on each--so cute, this picture does not do it justice!
Laura is working on a wool mat--just beautiful!

Cheryl is working on the tree quilt that is so gorgeous!  She is coming along and this is the next phase!

Somehow I did not get a picture of Pam during this session--I will have to make up for it at our next get together! 
On another note:
We packed up our son to go to the BS Jamboree!  This is just his bus of scouts--six coach buses left together to head to Philadelphia and tour Philly with jam packed days of activities:

He was gone from July 24 until August 5!  What a trip and time he had--he still hasn't stopped talking about it, that is when he has been awake!  They left and went to Philadelphia, onto Washington DC and then to AP Fort Hill VA where he and about 44,000 other scouts stayed and took part in the 100th year of Boy Scouting Jamboree!  He came home late Wednesday evening and slept until almost noon on Thursday.  Went to bed early and still slept in on Friday.  We let him sleep and chill because today he left around noon for his troop's week at Boy Scout camp!  I would say that he had a summer of Boy Scouts this year!

Well, until tomorrow, happy quilting!