Wednesday, August 11, 2010

UFO and a Basket Block

It is so good to bring out something to work on and to see progress being made on the project.  Yesterday I pulled out an UFO that I have loved but put aside to work on other things and made some real strides in the piecing of the top.  It was not even completely cut out, but now it is all cut out and it went from just pieces to six blocks finished.  This pattern is called Take Five on Point and I love the batiks.  I know that I will continue to play with the arrangement of the blocks once they are all finished.  They are not shown on point here, but that was the easiest way for me to photograph my progress!

I also had the opportunity to finish the basket block that goes in a basket quilt.  So I have been busy!  It is batiks also--which I do truly love!

Hopefully tomorrow I will make more progress here and then pull out a Halloween tablerunner to finish!  Until tomorrow, happy quilting!