Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A New Bag!

Today was spent making a new bag.  Now I am not the greatest purse maker at all....I usually take too long making one and still have a couple that have become UFO's just waiting for a little more to go.  I have friends who can whip out gorgeous bags in no time at all--and they always look so perfect, like they were purchased at the latest shop! Well, today I started and finished a bag all in one day--whoo hoo!  That definitely is a first for me!  It was a very easy bag to make, probably the easiest I have ever done; or I am finally learning about bag construction!  Whatever the reason, it is totally complete!  Here are a couple photos of my new bag:

I think that I love this design so much because of the cute handles--and I didn't have to make them!  The design did not call for pockets inside, but I put those in too!  Lastly, I love the fabric!  This is fabric that I had won and I loved it and wanted to use it in something special--I finally found the perfect project for the gorgeous fabric!  I will be stylin' tomorrow with my new purse!  Tomorrow I really need to work on a few projects to finish--although time will be short for sewing with too many places that I need to be during the day and evening!

Until tomorrow, happy quilting!