Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Rooster Party

Barb over at Bella Vista is hosting the Rooster Party when I saw that I knew I had to sign up.
Happy Rooster Party!!!!!
This little guy got his party hat(I made him with paper and a piece of the chestnut tree for the top and a little lace around the bottom)
Here is the full view of the little straw rooster with his party hat; on his way back to the kitchen because all my roosters must stay in the kitchen.

In my kitchen....
Starting with the cafe curtains I made:

This little metal sign hangs on the pantry:

This Rooster is cast iron, it could hold napkins but he just sits on the old chippy shelf in the corner.

I love this one, it is suppose to be a latchhook rug but who could step on this. My husband made a frame of old barn wood for me so we didnt step on this nice rooster.

This little roosters in his cage.....with a little red geranium to keep him company.

This is the morning call rooster and he is 3D....gotta love that in a rooster :)

Well thats all for now, I better get some water:

Enjoy the party, thanks for coming. I leave you with this today.

1 Corinthians 10:31 (New International Version)

31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Living in God's Graces, Kim